This post corresponds to a lesson from the upcoming course: About a Boy. Comment with your thoughts and questions on Trans Men's Issues, and be sure to follow this post for relevant quizzes, news, information, and updates.
Have you ever heard of packers? Do you use them? If so, any advice?
I hate to admit just how ignorant I was on gender dysphoria and how to be a real ally to trans men. This lesson, 'Trans Masculinity,' is crucial because it will teach you about some of the many challenges facing FTM trans people directly from actual FTM trans people. Watch the full clip below of this reason (25 of 30) for why I want to build out my six Adult Sex Ed Courses:
Have you ever heard of packers? Do you use them? If so, any advice?
I hate to admit just how ignorant I was on gender dysphoria and how to be a real ally to trans men. This lesson, 'Trans Masculinity,' is crucial because it will teach you about some of the many challenges facing FTM trans people directly from actual FTM trans people. Watch the full clip below of this reason (25 of 30) for why I want to build out my six Adult Sex Ed Courses:
CLICK HERE to check out all 30 Reasons!