This post corresponds to a lesson from the upcoming course: Moral Oral. Comment with your thoughts and questions on Cunnilingus, and be sure to follow this post for relevant quizzes, news, information, and updates.
How would you rate your cunnilingus skills? What would be your number one tip for someone heading downtown on you?
A sweet young man tried his best, repeatedly and persistently, to bring me to climax by eating me out. This lesson, 'Cunning Linguists,' is crucial because if I'd had it back then, I could have communicated my needs much more effectively. Watch the full clip below of this reason (4 of 30) for why I want to build out my six Adult Sex Ed Courses:
How would you rate your cunnilingus skills? What would be your number one tip for someone heading downtown on you?
A sweet young man tried his best, repeatedly and persistently, to bring me to climax by eating me out. This lesson, 'Cunning Linguists,' is crucial because if I'd had it back then, I could have communicated my needs much more effectively. Watch the full clip below of this reason (4 of 30) for why I want to build out my six Adult Sex Ed Courses:
CLICK HERE to check out all 30 Reasons!