This post corresponds to a lesson from the upcoming course: The Masturbatorium. Comment with your thoughts and questions on Pornography, Sex Work, and Porn Addiction, and be sure to follow this post for relevant quizzes, news, information, and updates.
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Do you have a hard time appreciating sex in real life due to a preference for pornography?
I had a boyfriend who would put on porn just about every time we had sex. It got to a point where I wondered why I was even in the room! This lesson, 'Let's Talk About Porn,' is crucial because it broaches the subject of porn addiction, but also seeks to start a dialogue about if and how pornography should be part of anyone's sexual experience. Watch the full clip below of this reason (3 of 30) for why I want to build out my six Adult Sex Ed Courses:
CLICK HERE to check out all 30 Reasons!