This post corresponds to a lesson from the upcoming course: The Sexual Mind. Comment with your thoughts and questions on Consent and Communication, and be sure to follow this post for relevant quizzes, news, information, and updates.
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Do you know what it feels like to be roofied? Have you been sexually assaulted by someone you once gave consent to?
Both of these things happened to me in college by the same man. It took me a long time to solidly classify my rape as rape, because I had sex with the guy once before and I was conscious while he had his way with my passive body. I questioned whether or not I had actually been drugged because I was under the assumption that I would have been knocked out.
This lesson, 'Consent & Communication,' is crucial because it teaches the signs that you may have been slipped something and how to take action to stay safe. Watch the full clip below of this reason (8 of 30) for why I want to build out my six Adult Sex Ed Courses:
CLICK HERE to check out all 30 Reasons!
Are you a man who had a relationship with a much older person when you were still a teenager? Have you ever experienced sexual assault or rape?
My best friend, who is a man, was reluctant to tell me about a time when a woman took advantage of him while he was inebriated at a party. This lesson, 'Consent & Communication,' is crucial because it is inclusive of all genders in its appeals for respecting other people's bodily autonomy. Watch the full clip below of this reason (9 of 30) for why I want to build out my six Adult Sex Ed Courses:
CLICK HERE to check out all 30 Reasons!