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When Clinicians Come Together

Welcome! I’m building a repository that will help clinicians use empirical data to better assist their communities. For example, you can analyze the percentage of people with similar experiences, recommend relevant lessons, or focus on niche demographics, such as Hispanic lesbian women in their 30s with children from the Midwest.

For members who agree to share their profiles publicly, you can communicate with them directly, create focus groups on specific issues, and showcase your expertise or services in community spaces like The Coop. And look, I'm just the data chick. I need professionals to provide feedback on the quizzes that will collect these variables. If you are a therapist, sexologist, educator, counselor, or medical professional working in a sex-related field or industry, join me on the ground floor of fleshing out these powerful tools.


While you will be placed in our directory, a Clinician Membership to Sex With Sophie goes so far beyond a mere listing service. Engage with potential clients, showcase your expertise, create shareable content, and promote your practice!

- indicates benefits that are coming soon

Your profile will sport a Bee Badge to denote to members that you are a professional in the field when interacting on The Forum.


Only you will be privy to my personal email address and phone number so that you can reach out directly with requests anytime. 

A fountain pen

Submit your blog posts, articles, advice, or research to establish your expertise, inform members, and gain an SEO advantage!

Therapy Closeup

Clinician Page Listing

Claim your standard, priority, or banner listing to be easily found by all members who may be interested in your services or content.

Laptop showing charts

Priority Dashboard Peeks

As the answers from quizzes and questionnaires are aggregated, you will have the first opportunity to browse and interact with the data.

Group Bonding

Bumblebee Level members will have the ability to create and manage new Focus Groups, a powerful engagement tool.


Gain access to this private 'For Clinicians Only' Focus Group, a place to confer with other professionals across disciplines.

raised hand

I'll tap The Hive first for answers to clinical questions, and only Honeybee Level or higher can add their thoughts on video answers.

a podcast mic

Secure a mention, or even better, a dedicated guest spot on The Sex Ed With Sophie Podcast, an hour-long interview about you and your work.

Not a clinician? Not looking to interact with members from a professional capacity? Not a Problem!

Register as a FREE or paid Bird Level member today.

Clinician Plans

Open to therapists, counsellors, educators, and medical professionals in sexual or reproductive health fields.

Fairybee Level



Every month

Special Badge on Profile

Listing on Clinician Page

Special Focus Group

Direct Access to Sophie

Priority Peek at Dashboards

Best Value

Honeybee Level



Every year

All Fairybee Level Perks

Priority Listing on Clinician Page

Become a Guest Writer

Unlock Answering on Ask Sophie

Receive a Mention on Podcast

Bumblebee Level



Valid until canceled

All Honeybee Level Perks

Lifetime Clinician Membership

Banner Feature on Clinician Page

Unlock Focus Group Creation

Guaranteed Spot on Podcast

PLEASE NOTE You must verify your credentials by submitting proof of your license or certification, or by sharing your listing on an accredited organization's website before you are authorized to comment publicly in the forum, submit Ask Sophie responses, share articles, or participate on the podcast.

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