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Updates With Sophie - September 2024

The Question

Facebook Question from Matt: Do you think trans women should be able to compete in sports with cis women?

The Short Answer

Unequivocally YES! A trans woman boxing a cis woman is no different from a cis woman boxing a cis woman. Watch the video to learn exactly why that is. Matt's question is entirely predicated on the idea that the boxers who were victimized during the 2024 Paris Gender Controversy are men or trans women. They are neither, but in this video, I explore the truth behind the entire scandal and explore what would happen if we hold their arguments to be true.


NEW: Ask Sophie Podcast

Clearly, my responses to the Ask Sophie questions I've received so far have been verbose, to say the least. I felt that they deserve their own long-form space, and so the Ask Sophie Podcast was born! Give it a listen, subscribe, and rate today on Apple Podcasts. Additionally, watch on Spotify and YouTube.


LIVE Chats With Sophie

Now, I'm not a debater. But, I feel I have a responsibility to help people incorporate facts, data, and science into their strongly held beliefs around various principles of sex and sexuality. I plan to do this by engaging in casual Twitch conversations with the intent of understanding how callers came to their opinions and offering them concrete information in layman's terms to lay fears to rest and encourage understanding and empathy for all of our fellow humans.

Follow me on Twitch to see when I go live. I'll play puzzle games like Queens and Guriddo, and soon my favorite game, Death Stranding, while waiting for callers.

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